I am dedicated to developing a passion for lifelong learning in my students, encouraging them to see education as an enriching and continuous journey. It is my belief that EVERY student can learn and my and my mission to ensure that is the reality for each student that enters my classroom. In order to carry out my mission, I will support my students as the explore and discover new ideas in a welcoming and safe classroom atmosphere.
As teachers, we face many issues, which directly contribute to the difficulty of the profession. Although, teaching is difficult, it is even more so rewarding. Below are just a few think pieces on issues in education to challenge your mind.
Teacher Well-being
What is teacher wellbeing? According to a post from Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies, Wellbeing encompasses how teachers feel and function in their jobs; and includes teachers’ affections, attitudes, and evaluations of their work. With that being said, a teacher's wellbeing should be evident in their positive attitude toward teaching.
I do not think that many schools, mine included, make teacher well-being a priority as they should. It has been said many times over that "you can't pour what your do not have". That is especially true in this case as teachers experience burnout at an alarmingly high rate. It seems to me, in knowing that, schools would prioritize teacher well-being so that the teachers on their staff feel supported.
Additionally, as stated by the Institute of Educational Sciences, when teachers feel supported, they are able to manage the daily stress of teaching, establish and maintain effective classroom management strategies that are productive for learning and cultivate supportive and caring relationships with students. That sounds like the well-being of a teacher has a critical impact on the students, school and community as a whole. There are many activities and day-to-day routine that can be put into place to contribute to the well-being of teachers. I think that in today's educational environment, teachers need the support more than ever before.
Teacher Tenure
Teacher tenure is a controversial issue in the educational world. Tenure is defined as, the right to remain permanently in a job (Cambridge dictionary). This issue directly impacts my school because the are several teachers and staff members that have been a part of the school for decades and have been granted tenure. These individuals, however, are rigid and reluctant to change and in my opinion should be considered for removal. unfortunately, due to their tenured statuses, that will not be the case.
Teacher tenure in these types of situations are flawed in design. According to Meador, the purpose of tenure is to protect teachers from being fired for noneducational issues including personal beliefs or personality conflicts. However, I think there are too many people that now take advantage of that status while not using it for its intended purpose. I see tenure as something should be earned based on performance and dedication. Which means, in order to retain tenured status, each individual must continuously demonstrate their effectiveness at the classroom level. Most times that is not the case-tenured teachers are receiving that status based on longevity in the school itself.
Critics of tenure argue that it is too difficult to get rid of a teacher who has been proved to be ineffective in the classroom; and that teacher tenure leads complacency because teachers know they are not likely to lose their employment (Meador, 2020). I agree with this critic in this regard. Moreover, I believe that is the line of thinking of the aforementioned teachers at my school.
On the other hand, advocates argue that tenure gives teachers the freedom to be creative in the classroom and rewards them for their years of dedication. Also, supporters believe tenure helps with recruitment because it offers teachers a stable and secure job (Meador, 2020). While I can actually agree with those points, I still believe the tenure, now, does more harm than good. Do you think the abuse of tenure outweighs the protection given to the effective teachers? Why or why not?
My Impact on Social Change
I can be a change-maker! More importantly, I can empower my students to be change-makers themselves! I believe that change-makers are able to mold an enriching and positive school culture where every student, teacher, parent and community leader thrives. As a change-maker, I will always strive for continuous school and community improvement.
I believe that it is every teacher's job to strive to be a change-maker in every facet of the job. For me, this starts from the moment I step foot in the building. Greeting parents, students and my colleagues with a smile starts the day off on a positive note! Additionally, offering a motivational thought sets the tone for the day and suggests a fresh start and outlook. While these things may seem small, they have a great impact on the school climate and the mindset of the stakeholders.
To expand my impact, I will implement modern ideas to promote participation, encourage critical thinking and facilitate innovative ways to learn! Additionally, I will bridge the gap from home-life and school by being active in communities in and around the schools in which I teach. I will carry that out by, organizing community events, and creating other various opportunities for students and parents alike to see educators in less authoritative settings. These are considerable ways to be impactful, but it doesn't end there as the work of a change-maker is never done!